Sunday, April 20, 2008

Whether you are an atheist, a theistic evolutionist, a Christian, Jew, or anything else, God occasionally takes up your thoughts:

Is God real? If so, how involved will he be in my life?
What does God want from me?
How does God want me to live?
Does he care?
Does it matter?
If I did want to be close to God, how would I do that?

These are all questions that at some point or another we have wondered about. More than likely, we are still wondering about some of them.

For those who don’t know Christ, there seems to be emptiness in their life. Maybe, you have found things to distract them from the emptiness. Drugs, alcohol, sex, material possessions, certain relationships, fame, a career, and even family and friends are some things people use to try to fulfill that emptiness. When the effects wear off, the emptiness is still there. They know the thoughts they have, the guilt they have. There is something missing. You may find something that keeps you happy for a time, but there will come a time that you will feel empty again. What is it that your soul is deeply crying out for? Why is it that everything just starts to feel so mundane? It is the cry of your soul to know God. The Bible declares that God "has...set eternity in their heart" Ecclesiastes 3:11. He has placed a desire in everyone to know Him. Will you continue to deny your soul what it wants? Will you know God? How can you know God?

For those who believe in Christ, some still seem to have emptiness in their soul. They try to study the Bible as much as they can. They serve in ministry; Sunday school, children's ministries, youth ministries, choir, etc. and yet there still is emptiness. They go to as many services, conferences, and retreats that they can and yet something still seems missing. Some of them start to withdrawal from ministry and some of the extra services and classes, which is known as burnout. They think that if they put an end to the business, they will fill the emptiness. Then they still find themselves empty. It is in this disillusioned state that many believers give up their commitment to serving God within His church. They just continue to believe in Jesus Christ, but just live their own lives. They start searching desperately in the world for something to fill the emptiness. They begin to pursue all the pursuits that the unbeliever does above. Yet still they have that sense of emptiness. Some just stop believing in the Bible or at least doubt some of it. Some totally give up their faith. How can a Christian still feel empty? How can a Christian end up in this state? Remember Mary and Martha's conflict in Luke 10:38-42? Martha was frantically trying to finish up preparations for the dinner, but Mary was just spending time with Jesus. Martha complained to Jesus about this, but Jesus corrected her. He said that Mary had chosen to do what was most important, spending time with Jesus. So you are serving Christ, but feel so empty?

There are many things that can keep us from spending time with Christ in prayer. Careers, friends, investments, drugs, entertainment, sports, ministry, study, and more all plead for our attention. Not that all of these pursuits are wrong; they just seem to distract us at times from what will fill that emptiness. If we continue to avoid what our soul is crying out for, we always end up feeling empty. No matter how much fun some have for a time; they can still end up feeling empty. If my soul is crying out to know God, then how can I know Him?

We must learn to start seeking Christ constantly. We need to talk to Him and listen to Him about everything. It says in the Bible, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" James 4:8. When have we sought Christ enough? If we ask that question, we misunderstand the whole purpose to life. God created us to have a relationship with Him. Jesus said "I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me" John 10:14. He also called to everyone saying "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." The pursuit of life is not to get to the place where there is no emptiness. The goal of life is to have a continual relationship with Christ. The end to emptiness is just a by-product.

Once we have come to know Christ, we then have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us and we are no longer empty. From there we start to do Bible studies, get involved in ministries, witness, and do good works. From there we tend to our families, careers, community, and more. It is when we start with Christ, that we can truly enjoy all other areas of life. Not that everything is perfect, that comes in heaven, we just are restored to what we were made to be. Regarding all the things we need in life, Jesus said "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" Matthew 6:33.

Are you empty? All you have to do is ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, to become the Lord of your life, and then to start living for Him and talking to Him.

If you want to make this commitment, please email me at and start using the resources on this site to help you develop your faith.

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